Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro: The Challenger Against XGIMI HORIZON

XGIMI HORIZON, known for its bright light performance and silent operation, often dominates the market. However, the more affordable Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro challenges expectations with superior immersion in dark environments and deeply rich sound. This comparison shows that a projector’s worth isn't just about price but its ability to meet specific user needs in various viewing contexts.

This test compares two projectors from the Xiaomi ecosystem: the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and the XGIMI HORIZON. Moreover, we explore how the often-underestimated LCD technology of the Wanbo competes with XGIMI’s DLP in various viewing environments. Image superiority depends not just on brightness but also on faithful reproduction for better immersion in dark scenes.

WANBO Conclusion

The Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro excels in delivering an immersive viewing experience with notable strengths in image and sound quality.

  • Excellent black levels for dark scenes.
  • Strong low-frequency audio.
  • Minimal on-device control options.
  • Limited ports for connectivity.
XGIMI Conclusion

The XGIMI Horizon stands out in well-lit environments and features instant start-up. Ideal for those who need quick access and vibrant visuals under various lighting conditions.

  • Clear visibility in bright conditions.
  • Instant start-up functionality.
  • Dulls blacks in dark scenes.
  • Overly vivid colors reduce realism.

Image Quality of Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro vs XGIMI HORIZON

In this head-to-head comparison between the Mozart 1 Pro and the HORIZON, we’ve thoroughly tested their performance in various viewing environments. Consequently, we aim to determine which projector best meets specific user needs.

Black Levels: Significant Advantage of Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro

Black level comparison showing deep blacks on the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro.Displaying black level performance on the XGIMI HORIZON projector.
Wanbo on the Left – XGIMI on the Right

The Mozart notably excels in delivering deeper blacks, which are essential for an immersive viewing experience in dark scenes, like those in Batman movies. In contrast, the blacks on the XGIMI HORIZON appear slightly washed out, potentially detracting from the desired atmosphere in dark cinematic scenes.

1080p Resolution Clarity and Performance

During our tests, we evaluated the clarity of the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and the XGIMI HORIZON using a 1080p test pattern. Both projectors displayed it clearly, confirming their ability to handle 1080p content without quality loss.

1080p test pattern displayed on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro1080p test pattern displayed on XGIMI HORIZON
Wanbo on the Left – XGIMI on the Right

Display Technology: Wanbo’s LCD vs XGIMI’s DLP

The XGIMI uses DLP technology, known for sharp images and vibrant colors, but it can struggle with color accuracy and black levels due to light scatter. Conversely, the Wanbo employs LCD technology with enhanced closed-chamber technology, reducing dust issues and ensuring quieter operation with superior black levels.

Optimized Image Settings for Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro

Custom image settings interface on the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro projector.Soft image setting adjustments on the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro projector.
Wanbo custom mode on the Left – Wanbo soft mode on the Right

We also explored the image settings on both projectors. On the XGIMI HORIZON, some preset settings work well and enhance image quality. However, you should avoid certain presets on the Wanbo as they diminish image details. Using custom settings on the Wanbo significantly improves image quality, even surpassing the XGIMI, especially in terms of black levels.

For the best picture on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro, use this custom setting:

Brightness: 64

Contrast: 47

Saturation: 38

Performance in Natural and Artificial Light

During tests under natural and artificial lighting, the XGIMI HORIZON clearly has an advantage in well-lit environments, while the Wanbo performs better in darker settings due to its superior black levels.

Sunlight image on WanboSunlight image on XGIMI
Wanbo on the Left – XGIMI on the Right

Color Tests: Detailed Comparison between Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and XGIMI HORIZON

Both projectors were tested for color quality in a dark environment. The Wanbo tends to provide a more natural color reproduction thanks to its LCD technology, while the XGIMI HORIZON may tend to oversaturate certain colors.

Color accuracy on Wanbocolor accuracy on XGIMI
Wanbo on the Left – XGIMI on the Right

This detailed comparison highlights the importance of choosing a projector not just based on brightness or cost but considering color fidelity and black level depth, depending on the environment in which it will primarily be used.

Sound Quality Comparison: Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro vs XGIMI HORIZON

In our detailed review, we explore the audio capabilities of the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and the XGIMI HORIZON. We assess their performance in real-world scenarios to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how they stack up:

Deep Bass and Audio Depth

Close-up of Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro speaker
Detailed view of the speaker on the Wanbo projector, designed for audio clarity and depth.

The Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro impresses with its superior bass frequencies, a result of its dedicated audio components. Using AudioCheck.net‘s low frequency test, the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro excelled, reproducing a full low-frequency spectrum visibly and audibly. This robust audio performance is ideal for enhancing the viewing experience in scenarios that benefit from rich sound, such as action-packed movies or atmospheric games.

Close-up view of the XGIMI HORIZON speaker grille.
XGIMI HORIZON speaker grille, highlighting the robust construction of the casing.

Conversely, the XGIMI HORIZON, although a competent performer across many aspects of projection, falls short in its capacity to handle the lowest bass frequencies. This limitation might not be a dealbreaker for casual viewers but could be noticeable for audiophiles or when the projector is used in a home theater setup where every nuance in sound can enhance the immersive experience.

High Frequency Sound Handling

Both projectors manage high frequencies well, ensuring that dialogues and higher pitched sounds are clear and well-articulated. This is crucial for understanding spoken content in movies and presentations, making both projectors suitable for varied content consumption.

Projector Insights: Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro vs XGIMI HORIZON

Adjustability and Mounting Options

The Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro includes a retractable stand that allows for easy height adjustment. It Offers flexibility in placement and angle for optimal viewing.

Retractable stand of Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro
Retractable stand of Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro

Conversely, the XGIMI HORIZON provides versatility with both a tripod and ceiling mount options, catering to a broader range of installation environments.

Tripod and ceiling mount options of XGIMI HORIZON
Tripod and ceiling mount options of XGIMI HORIZON

Control and Connectivity

Both projectors come equipped with essential connectivity options; however, the XGIMI HORIZON edges out with slightly more variety. The Wanbo features a minimalist design with a single power button on the unit and offers one USB port, one HDMI input, and a mini jack audio output.

Connectivity ports on the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro
Connectivity ports on the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro

In contrast, the XGIMI HORIZON boasts additional controls for volume and playback on the device itself, making it more convenient when used as a standalone speaker. It also includes two HDMI ports, two USB ports, a mini jack, and an optical audio output. XGIMIM enhances its connectivity potential for various multimedia setups.

Connectivity ports on the XGIMI HORIZON
Connectivity ports on the XGIMI HORIZON

4K Signal Support

Both the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and the XGIMI HORIZON are capable of supporting 4K signals from external devices like the PlayStation 5, delivering content in Full HD resolution. This feature ensures that users enjoy high-quality visuals even when the original signal offers higher resolution.

Remote Controls

The remote controls for both projectors enhance user convenience. The XGIMI’s remote is constructed from metal, emphasizing durability and a premium feel.

Remote control of XGIMI HORIZON
Remote control of XGIMI HORIZON

Meanwhile, the Wanbo’s plastic remote is lightweight and includes shortcut buttons for popular streaming services, which adds a layer of practicality for quick access. Additionally, both remotes are equipped with microphones to facilitate voice commands using Google Assistant, further integrating into smart home setups.

Remote control of Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro
Remote control of the Wanbo projector

Adaptive Image Adjustment

Both the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and XGIMI HORIZON have the capability to automatically resize their projected images to fit the projection surface and avoid obstacles. This adaptive feature ensures that regardless of the environment, both projectors provide a consistent and obstruction-free viewing experience.

Automatic keystone correction feature on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro (top) and XGIMI (bottom) HORIZON projectors
Automatic keystone correction feature on Wanbo (top) and XGIMI (bottom) projectors

Manual Adjustments for Precision

Manual keystone and focus adjustments are crucial for optimizing image quality. Both projectors allow for precise manual adjustments, ensuring that the image is perfectly aligned and sharply focused. This flexibility is vital in settings where projector placement can’t be perfectly centered.

Manual keystone correction feature on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro (right) and XGIMI HORIZON (left) projectors
Manual keystone correction feature on Wanbo (right) and XGIMI (left) projectors

Technical Tests

Operational Noise Levels: Advantage of XGIMI HORIZON

Wanbo on the Left – XGIMI on the Right

Noise levels are a critical aspect of any projector’s audio performance, especially in quiet environments where background noise can be particularly intrusive. In a controlled setting, turning on the XGIMI HORIZON resulted in a sound measurement of about 32 dB from a distance of one meter—comparatively low and unlikely to disrupt your viewing experience. The Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro, on the other hand, registered slightly higher at 38 dB. While this is not excessively loud, it’s something to consider if absolute silence is a priority.

Startup Speed: Significant Advantage of XGIMI HORIZON

A notable difference between the two models is their startup speed. The XGIMI HORIZON features a fast boot function, allowing it to start up almost instantly, which is a significant advantage in fast-paced environments or for quick setup needs.

Conversely, the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro takes about 38 seconds to boot up, which could be a slight inconvenience in situations where time is of the essence.

Operating System and Streaming

Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro got Android TV 11 while XGIMI stays on 10

Android TV 11 on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro showing the interface
Screenshots of Android TV 11 on the Wanbo

Both projectors operate on Android TV but differ in versions, which affects feature availability and security. The XGIMI HORIZON runs on Android TV 10, offering a stable range of features, while the Wanbo uses the more recent Android TV 11, which includes the latest updates and improvements for a smoother operation. However the user experience stays similar on both versions.

Voice Control with Google Assistant

Google Assistant through the remote control of XGIMI HORIZON
Google Assistant with XGIMI HORIZON remote

Voice control enhances usability, and both projectors support Google Assistant. This feature allows users to operate the projector using voice commands, making it easier to search for content, control playback, and use smart home integrations without needing to navigate through menus manually.

Netflix Compatibility: only officially working on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro

Netflix error message on XGIMI HORIZON
Display of the Netflix error on the XGIMI HORIZON

The Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro excels in its native support for Netflix, allowing users to stream content directly without any issues. On the other hand, the XGIMI HORIZON struggles with this aspect, as it displays the error tvq-pb-101 (e104), indicating it is not certified to stream Netflix, leading to potential quality degradation when using workarounds.

Netflix Quality Comparison

To objectively assess the streaming quality of both projectors, we conducted tests using the Netflix test pattern. This allowed us to precisely measure the resolution, color accuracy, and sharpness that each projector can deliver when streaming Netflix content.

Netflix test pattern on Wanbo Mozart 1 ProNetflix test pattern on XGIMI HORIZON
Wanbo on the Left – XGIMI on the Right

Performance on Other Streaming Platforms

Both projectors provide access to a wide range of streaming services through the Google Play Store, ensuring users can enjoy various content. They perform well on platforms like Amazon Prime Video and Disney+, with seamless streaming capabilities. YouTube and Chromecast functionalities are also well supported, enhancing the versatility of these devices.

Streaming Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ apps on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro
Various streaming platforms like Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ on the Wanbo projector

Chromecast Streaming Challenges and Successes

While both projectors support Chromecast, the XGIMI HORIZON cannot cast Netflix, even with workarounds, which can hinder the streaming experience. In contrast, the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro handles Chromecast streaming smoothly, including for Netflix, making it a more reliable choice for users who frequently cast from mobile devices or other Chromecast-enabled devices.

Chromecast streaming on Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro
Chromecast functionality on Wanbo projector

Projection Ratio Comparison: Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro vs XGIMI HORIZON

Understanding the projection ratio of a projector is crucial as it determines how large the image can be from a certain distance. This is especially important for users who need to adapt their projector setup to various room sizes or specific viewing conditions.

Projection ratio comparison between Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and XGIMI HORIZON, demonstrating different image sizes at varying distances.
Projection setups of both projectors at different distances. The large image was projected by Wanbo and the small one by XGIMI

The Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and the XGIMI HORIZON both support a projection ratio of 1.2:1. So, they can project a large image from a relatively close distance to the screen. This makes them suitable for both small rooms and larger spaces, providing flexibility in projector placement.

During our tests:

  • At a short distance of 1.4 meters, both projectors produce a clear and well-defined 50-inch image, which is ideal for smaller rooms or compact spaces.
  • Extending the distance to 3.8 meters, both projectors were capable of projecting a large and immersive 148-inch image. This feature is particularly beneficial for users wanting to create a home theater experience in larger rooms.

Side-by-Side Projection at 148 Inches

In a side-by-side comparison in dark settings, both the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and the XGIMI HORIZON displayed impressive quality on a 148-inch projection. The Wanbo projector notably delivered deeper blacks, enhancing the immersive experience, especially in darker scenes where rich contrast is crucial.

Side-by-side comparison of the Wanbo and XGIMI projectors at 148 inches displaying a dark scene, highlighting the superior black levels of the Wanbo projector on the right.
Comparison of 148-inch projections in a dark setting: Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro (right) demonstrates deeper black levels than XGIMI HORIZON (left), enhancing immersion in dark scenes

Conclusion: choosing between Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro vs XGIMI HORIZON

In our comparison, the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro excels in dark environments with superior black levels, ideal for movie lovers and gamers. The XGIMI HORIZON, with its vibrant colors and quick setup, is better suited for well-lit rooms and frequent usage.

Your choice depends on your specific viewing needs:

  • For immersive dark scenes, choose Wanbo
  • For versatility and bright environments, go with XGIMI.

If you are looking for more compact and portable projectors, the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and XGIMI HORIZON might not be the best fit for your mobility needs. For those who prioritize portability, I recommend checking out our comparison of the Wanbo TT and XGIMI MoGo Pro. These models are specifically designed to be on the move, offering both convenience and performance.

Note: This review complements our detailed video comparison available on YouTube. Watch our hands-on testing of the Wanbo Mozart 1 Pro and XGIMI HORIZON here:

This will give you a visual understanding of the features discussed and help you see the projectors in action.

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